With the statewide school closure being extended through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, many parents are looking for extra resources to supplement the distance learning programming provided by their school districts. We at the Law Offices of Hirji & Chau want to help direct parents toward free, online resources that they can access during the school closures. We have compiled a list of resources here.
Resources for Parents Looking to Explain the COVID-19 Pandemic to Their Child
This page from the CDC gives suggestions about how to talk to children about COVID-19: Talking With Children
A Kids Book About has created a free, downloadable children’s book about COVID-19, written by a social epidemiologist: A Kids Book About COVID-19
Green Mountain Self-Advocates created a plain language information sheet (available in 11 languages) on COVID-19: COVID-19 Information By and For People with Disabilities
Child Mind Institute has provided suggestions for talking to children about COVID-19: Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus
Educational Resources
LAUSD has provided printable and online resources for students with disabilities: COVID-19 Resources
All Kids Network has provided printable worksheets: Worksheets
Academy4SC provides middle and high school level educational videos and lesson plans for children: Academy4SC
Acessibyte Online is providing free access to its platform of apps for blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing, and reading impaired students: Acessibyte
The Khan Academy is providing several remote learning opportunities: Khan Academy
The New York Times has provided topical lesson plans for various academic areas: The Learning Network
The Kid Should See This provides free educational videos on a variety of topics: The Kid Should See This
Social Skills and Other Resources from the HELP Group
The HELP Group provides free virtual classes for: the special education community
Physical Education Resources
Active Kids Do Better provides free physical education activities: Active Kids Do Better
LAUSD has provided Adapted Physical Education activity guides for: preschoolers, elementary school children, secondary school children, and children with moderate to severe disabilities.
Carone Learning is providing free online physical education, health, and nutrition courses: Carone Learning
Yoga Ed. Is providing free online yoga and mindfulness classes for all ages: Yoga Ed.
The imovement is a program that strives to get kids aged 4-11 to learn actively at home: imovement
Speech and Language Resources
LAUSD has provided speech and language guides for: articulation practice, communication practice, and fluency practice.
The Quick Artic app provides articulation practice: Quick Artic
Step by Step Sequencing is an app that targets sequencing skills: StepByStep
Occupational and Physical Therapy Resources
LAUSD has provided guides for the following activities: recreation, seating and positioning, self-care, sensory skills, balance and coordination, standing and walking, and written communication.
The Inspired Treehouse provides free printable handouts for activities that target motor skills: The Inspired Treehouse
My Physical Therapy Home Exercise Program provides a program for children with movement difficulties: MYpHEP
Fun and Educational Online Activities
San Diego Zoo Live Animal Cams
Smithsonian’s National Zoo Animal Cams
Monterey Bay Aquarium Live Cams
National Aquarium Virtual Tour
The Museum of the World – Interactive Experience
Virtual Tour of the Louvre Museum in Paris
Nature Conservancy of Oklahoma Virtual Field Trip
Hubble Space Telescope Mission Operations Virtual Tour
California Science Center – Stuck at Home Science
American Museum of Natural History – Ology Website for Kids
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