a slate with a bulb on it and drawing of circles

Breaking news from LAUSD

May 18, 2020

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has issued a Prior Written Notice explaining its response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its distance learning program.

On March 16, 2020, LAUSD closed its schools due to COVID-19.  On April 13, 2020, LAUSD extended its school closures through June 12, 2020, the end of the 2019-2020 school year.  In the meantime, students will receive education through a distance learning program.  Special education students who are enrolled in Extended School Year (ESY) will receive ESY education and services through the distance learning program.

LAUSD’s distance learning program includes instruction and services that will be delivered by video, email, phone, worksheets, or through virtual platforms. Your child’s IEP, including related services, goals, and accommodations, will be implemented through the distance learning program.

Online education will be provided in accordance with the following guidelines:

·      Up to 2 hours daily for Grades 1-3;

·      Up to 3 hours daily for Grades 4-5; and

·      Up to 4 hours weekly per content area for Grades 6-12.

Teachers and service providers will maintain office hours during which you or your child may communicate with them for additional help.

In order to help students access the distance learning program, LAUSD is offering access to technology, including devices with internet access, communication equipment, assistive technology, augmentative alternative communication devices, and low incidence mobility equipment.  If your child requires technology in order to access distance learning, you may contact the School and Family Support Services department at (213) 241-6701.